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Steel wire haulage ropes


The failure of a steel wire haulage rope while in service is potentially disastrous, particularly when being used on a haulage system transporting a large number of people on steep gradients. A rope failure during materials transport can allow vehicles to run out of control, putting at risk any people in the roadway and potentially causing damage to haulage equipment, vehicles, the track and even the roadway itself. Failure of any rope while under tension results in the release of stored energy in the rope, which usually causes the broken rope ends to whiplash violently, resulting in danger to any people in the immediate vicinity of the breakage.

Who should read this document

This guidance is primarily aimed at owners, managers, members of the management structure and any other person who selects, installs, inspects, examines or maintains haulage ropes at mines. However, much of the technical detail is applicable to any stranded wire rope and other industry sectors using such ropes will find this guidance useful.

The guidance deals with the selection, installation and maintenance of steel wire haulage ropes. It is split into an overview section, which gives a broad outline of good practice, and four technical annexes, which cover in detail:

  • types of haulage rope;
  • rope storage and handling;
  • rope installation;
  • maintenance operations.

Also included at the back of this booklet are:

  • two sample report forms;
  • an appendix of legislation and standards relevant to steel wire haulage ropes.

This booklet does not cover in any detail ropes used in shaft winding systems. Information and guidance on shaft ropes can be found in the booklet "Guidance on the selection, installation, maintenance and use of steel wire ropes in vertical mine shafts".

Full Text Document available here (PDF) [1]

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  1. Full Text Document available here
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  7. Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining

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