Washing machines, containing water-mix wash fluids, may be used after metalworking to clean swarf and metalworking fluid from machined components.
Water-mix wash fluids themselves may be hazardous by contact and inhalation and COSHH assessments[1] should address these risks.
Fluid and mist from water-mix wash fluids and washing machines may cause skin problems and respiratory disease in much the same way as fluid and mist from metalworking machines:
- carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment
- maintain fluid quality and control bacterial contamination[2]
- minimise skin exposure to fluids, see Control of skin risks during machining MW2 (PDF) [3]
- prevent or control airborne mists, see CNC machining MW1 (PDF) [4]
- where there is exposure to fluid or mist carry out health surveillance[5]
Drying of washed components using compressed air either inside or outside washing machines will generate mist, which needs to be contained, or controlled by effective local exhaust ventilation.
Further information for e-COSHH essentials[6] Metalworking Guidance Sheets.