Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE)

Protecting Workers Health by promoting and improving the use of Local Exhaust Ventilation in the Workplace

The Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE) has been formed to promote the Science, Understanding, Education, Art and Practice of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineering. ILEVE is affiliated to the Chartered Institution of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE) and aims to provide a higher profile and focus for Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers.

The Institute recognises competence in the practical application of local exhaust ventilation and raises the awareness of the importance of good air quality and ventilation in workplaces. Removing airborne contamination of hazardous substances from the workplace is key in reducing lung disease associated with the work environment. It can also reduce the risk of contaminants landing directly on the skin and onto surfaces, which the skin may later come into contact with. This can contribute to the reduction of skin disease in the workplace.

The ILEVE Mission is to provide working environments clear of harmful airborne contaminants by promoting:-

  • use of LEV systems that are well designed and effective in capturing contaminants
  • thorough examination and test of LEV to ensure the ongoing performance is maintained and recorded in reports that are meaningful and fit for purpose
  • better installation and commissioning of LEV
  • better maintenance, user manuals and log-books for LEV
  • better LEV by working with other trade bodies
  • better understanding of LEV to the wider community.

Individual members are provided with:

  • up to date first class information on the latest innovation in LEV design and legal requirement
  • a career path for leading them to full professional recognised registration (membership card designation FILEVE, MILEVE, etc as a credential to demonstrated evidence of  knowledge and skills)
  • accrediting courses of study to maintain and enhancing professional excellence throughout by developing knowledge and skills
  • a way of setting the criteria for best practice in the profession.

More information is available on the ILEVE website.

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