Spa-pool systems

Spa-pool systems are increasingly popular and can be found in a variety of sizes and settings. They are known by various names including:

  • hot spas
  • hot tubs
  • whirlpool spas
  • portable spas

These systems pose a foreseeable risk as they are a recognised source of diseases caused by infectious agents. This includes the organism that causes legionnaires' disease, primarily legionella pneumophila. There have been a number of outbreaks linked to spa-pool systems in leisure centres, hotels, holiday homes and on cruise ships.

HSE's guide the control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems[1]. This guidance was produced in association with the UK Health Security Agency, local authorities and industry representatives. It will help:

  • managers and operators assess and control the risk of exposure
  • service suppliers, designers, manufacturers, importers, suppliers and installers comply with their legal duties and keep spa-pool systems free of legionella

The guide provides specific advice on:

  • operating and maintaining commercial-type systems
  • domestic-type spa pools or hot tubs used as by a business, such as in holiday-parks rental units, hotel bedrooms and systems on display or at exhibitions

Link URLs in this page

  1. the control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems
  2. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems
  3. Legionella Control Association
  4. Biosafety
  5. Health and social care services
  6. COSHH

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Updated 2024-10-28