Setting priorities and targeting interventions

Local Authority Circular

  • Subject: Interventions
  • Open Government Status: Fully open
  • LAC Number: 67/2 (Revision 13 - 2024/25)


This Local Authority (LA) Circular (LAC 67/2 (Revision 13) is guidance under Section 18 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) and replaces LAC 67/2 (Rev 12) and all earlier versions.

The LAC provides LAs with guidance and tools for priority planning and targeting their interventions, enabling them to meet the requirements of the National Local Authority Enforcement Code (the Code).

LAC 67/2 (Revision 13) (PDF) [1]

Link URLs in this page

  1. LAC 67/2 (Revision 13)
  2. Falls from Height Guidance

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Updated 2025-02-12