Human factors at play during a large gasoline spillage

On Friday 26th November 2010 Judith Hackitt CBE, Chair of HSE, gave a speech to the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors on Leadership in the Major Hazard Industries. The speech touched upon a number of issues surrounding human factors in relation to major hazards and provided examples of good and bad practice. An example of the latter can be seen in the footage, which was used by HSE in a recent successful prosecution of a fuel terminal operator. The footage shows in stark form how humans react when called upon to manage a known serious risk ie a significant gasoline spillage.

A decision has been taken to make this footage available on our website to raise awareness of human factors issues and to assist dutyholders in training their employees on better management of known and less well known risks.

Download 'large gasoline spillage' (mp4) [35MB]

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