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1. Overview

Please note if you are a provider registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and with premises located in England, they are the relevant regulatory body for patient safety matters. You can find guidance on the Care Quality Commission website[7].

These pages are for employers and workers in the health and social care sectors involved in moving and handling, particularly those who assess moving and handling needs and carry out handling activities. Some of this guidance may be useful for people who receive care in their own homes.

Moving and handling is a key part of the working day for most workers; from moving equipment, laundry, catering, supplies or waste to helping residents move.

Poor moving and handling practice can cause:

  • back pain and musculoskeletal disorders, which can lead to inability to work
  • moving and handling accidents, which can injure both the person being moved and the worker
  • discomfort and a lack of dignity for the person being moved

You must take action to prevent or minimise the risk of injury.

What you need to know

Moving and handling people is a regular task in health and social care. If it is not done safely, it can cause serious injury to service users and staff. These pages concentrate on reducing the risk from people handling.

HSE’s musculoskeletal disorder web pages[8] have more guidance on the risks that can lead to injury.

The manual handling web pages[9] have more information on risk assessments for inanimate/object handling.

What the law says

The following legislation may be relevant for assessing moving and handling risks:

Link URLs in this page

  1. Managing the risks of moving and handling
  2. Moving and handling equipment
  3. Sonography or ultrasound work in healthcare
  4. Manual handling in birthing pools
  5. Electric profiling beds
  6. Case studies and research
  7. Care Quality Commission website
  8. musculoskeletal disorder web pages
  9. manual handling web pages
  10. Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HSWA)
  11. Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR)
  12. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  13. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
  14. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER)
  15. Nextpage Managing the risks of moving and handling
  16. Getting to grips with hoisting
  17. Electric profiling beds
  18. MHRA: Bed rails management and safe use
  19. Safety alert: Vertical lifting platforms or lifts for people with impaired mobility
  20. Safety alert: Risk of death or serious harm by falling from hoists

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Updated 2024-12-18