Avoiding falls from windows or balconies in health and social care premises

Please note if you are a provider registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)[1], and with premises located in England, CQC is the relevant regulatory body for patient safety matters.

Serious injuries and fatalities have occurred when people have fallen from or through windows in health and social care premises.

There are 3 broad categories of falls:

  • accidental – these are rare, but occur where people unintentionally fall through or from windows. This can happen where people are able to sit on and fall from sills, or where windows are positioned so people could easily fall through them
  • falls arising out of a confused mental state – a significant number of reports refer to the mental state of individuals. In particular, senility, dementia, reduced mental capacity, mental disorder and the effect of drink and drugs (both prescribed and illegal) can all cause anxiety and confusion. In these cases, people have often tried to escape or used a window, believing it to be an exit
  • deliberate self-harm or suicide – there is a recognised risk for people with certain health conditions, particularly those with a history of self-harm or mental disorder

Risks from glazing

Health and social care providers must assess risks at their premises. Where assessment identifies the risk of falling against or through glazing, adequate precautions must be taken. These may include:

  • providing suitable safety film
  • replacement with safety glass
  • providing barriers

Glass doors and patio windows should also be fitted (in accordance with building regulations and British Standards) with toughened or safety glass or covered with a protective safety film.

Falls from windows and balconies

Where assessment identifies that people using care services are at risk from falling from windows or balconies at a height likely to cause harm (for example above ground floor level), suitable precautions must be taken.

Windows that are large enough to allow people to fall out should be restrained sufficiently to prevent such falls:

  • he opening should be restricted to 100 mm or less
  • window restrictors should only be able to be disengaged using a special tool or key

Access may need to be restricted to balconies that are not designed to prevent people who are at risk from climbing over.

Should residents with dementia have access to balconies?

Many factors need to be considered, including the rights and freedoms of individuals. However, if people using the care service are assessed as being at risk from falling, restricted access may be appropriate.

If the balcony is at a height likely to cause injury, you will need to consider whether the design and height of balustrades provide sufficient protection to prevent people falling or climbing over. You will also need to ensure that furniture or other footholds do not allow easy access.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Care Quality Commission (CQC)https://www.cqc.org.uk/
  2. Falls from windows and balconies - Information sheet (HSIS5)https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/hsis5.htm
  3. Potential failure of window side-stay restrictors - safety alerthttps://www.hse.gov.uk/safetybulletins/windowrestrictors.htm
  4. Health and safety in care homeshttps://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg220.htm
  5. Inadequate window restrictors - safety alerthttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/window-restrictors-estates-and-facilities-alert-efa-2013-002
  6. Window restrictors of cable and socket design - safety alerthttps://www.cas.mhra.gov.uk/ViewandAcknowledgment/ViewAlert.aspx?AlertID=102246

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Updated 2024-11-14