About liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
LPG is used as a fuel in a range of applications including in heating and cooking appliances, industrial applications, in vehicles and as a propellant and refrigerant. LPG can be obtained primarily as propane, butane or a mixture of the two. A powerful odorant is added so that it is easily detected.
LPG is flammable and heavier than air so that it will settle and may accumulate in low spots such drains and basements. Here it could present a fire or explosion or suffocation hazard.
LPG is supplied in a variety of ways including in canisters, cylinders and in bulk storage tanks. This part of the HSE website concentrates mainly on safety issues relating to small bulk storage and associated installations but provides links to information available on other aspects of the safe use of LPG.
More information, including relevant Codes of Practice, is also available through the UKLPG website[1].