HSE Procedure for handling decommissioning programmes
- Version No:
- 1
- OG Status:
- Fully Open
- Subject file:
- 261
- Author Section:
- OSD 4.2
- Target Audience:
- All OSD and SI3 Inspectors Band 0-3
This SPC summarises the OSD procedure for the handling of Decommissioning Programmes (DPs) which the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) send to HSE for comment. This SPC replaces SPC/Enforcement/101 (version 2) which has been withdrawn.
1. This SPC should be read in conjunction with SPC/TECH/OSD/52 v1[10], which sets out HSE's role and its revised policy for commenting on Decommissioning Programmes.
2. OSD4.2 acting in its capacity as Divisional focal point with topic responsibility for decommissioning and dismantlement issues, will remain the recipient of programmes sent by DECC for HSE comment and will coordinate the development of internal guidance.
3. For planning purposes, OSD4.2 will liaise with DECC to obtain information on likely timings of submissions and will disseminate that information to the relevant IMTs.
4. OSD4.2 will forward DPs to the relevant inspection management teams (IMTs) and to Topic Assessors involved in the review (after seeking the agreement of the IMT).
5. The relevant IMT should arrange for the programme to be reviewed, coordinate the review, and send comments to DECC.
6. OSD4.2 will advise and assist the IMT to ensure consistency in the manner in which we review DPs and in our response to DECC.
7. OSD4.2 will inform DECC of when a safety case for the dismantling of a fixed installation is received by HSE and the outcome of our assessment.
8. In the case of pipeline decommissioning matters for which DECC is seeking comments, SI3 and DECC should correspond directly with each other.
Further information
Further information can be obtained from OSD4.2.