Getting started


The level of detail in your planning should be proportionate to the scale of the event and the degree of risk.

Health and safety management arrangements 

First, decide who will help you with your duties as an event organiser.

Whatever the scale of the event, make sure there is a clear understanding within the organising team of who will be responsible for safety matters. For organisations with five or more employees, this is likely to be driven by the company's health and safety policy. Write a health and safety policy for your business provides further information. If your event includes building temporary structures like stages and marquees, consider our CDM 2015 guidance[1] when making your event management arrangements.

Safety plan

As an event organiser, identify the:

  • scale, type and scope of the event
  • type and size of audience
  • location
  • duration of the event
  • time of day and year the event will be held

These factors will help you to determine what resources and facilities will be required.

Translate this information into an appropriate safety plan.

The key tool for creating a safety plan is the process of risk assessment[2]. For information to help with your event risk assessment, see also health and safety topics[3].

Worker involvement

The best way to protect your employees and visitors from harm and illness is to involve your workers during the planning phase. See consult your employees[4].

Liaising with others

Liaise with the venue owner / management, emergency services and, where appropriate, local authority Safety Advisory Group[5] for advice and information relevant to your planning. Discuss with them how you can control risks.

Selecting contractors

When you select and appoint contractors, consider their suitability and competence for providing a safe and reliable service.

Ask contractors to:

  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of their work and the health and safety hazards involved
  • provide evidence of a trained workforce and the competence of key staff for the project
  • confirm that they have sufficient resource levels to do the work
  • provide evidence of previous successful work that shows they can adopt and develop safe systems of working

In the absence of experience of previous work, ask them to demonstrate an appropriate level of technical ability (eg being a member of an accreditation scheme, professional organisation or trade association[6] may help with this)

Further information

Providing workplace facilities

Provide the right workplace facilities, including welfare and first aid before works starts

Employee welfare[9]

Emergency planning

Planning for incidents and emergencies[10]

Checklist - Planning for an event

Ask yourself:

  • Have you decided who will help you with your duties?
  • Is there a clear understanding within the organising team of who will be responsible for safety matters?
  • Have you risk assessed your event and prepared a safety plan?
  • Did you involve your workers during the planning of your event?
  • Did you liaise with other agencies?
  • Have you gathered and assessed relevant information to help you determine whether you have selected suitable and competent contractors?
  • Have you provided the right workplace facilities?
  • Have you planned for incidents and emergencies?

Link URLs in this page

  1. CDM 2015 guidance
  2. risk assessment
  3. health and safety topics
  4. consult your employees
  5. Safety Advisory Group
  6. accreditation scheme, professional organisation or trade association
  7. Using contractors: A brief guide
  8. Managing contractors
  9. Employee welfare
  10. Planning for incidents and emergencies
  11. Using contractors: A brief guide
  12. Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 and the Occupiers Liability (Scotland) Act 1960
  13. Licensing - Department for Culture, Media and Sport
  14. Licensing - Scotland: Scottish Government
  15. CDM 2015 - Entertainment

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Construction Design and Management Regulations

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Updated 2024-10-11