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When should I report?

Timescales for reporting of events

Deaths and serious injuries

Immediately after the duty holder becomes aware, all deaths and serious injuries (ie where a member of the public is admitted to hospital as an in patient) must be reported by telephone to the Incident Contact Centre on 0345 300 9923 (opening hours Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5pm).

In addition, deaths and all injuries and fire, explosion or implosion must be notified using the ESQCR online report form[1], or in writing to HSE providing details as described in the relevant schedule within 5 working days.

Domestic fatality

Any domestic fatality must be notified using the ESQCR online report form[2], or in writing to Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) providing details as described in schedule - 3 of the Regulation[3].

ESQCR Reporting Incidents - BIS
Consumer Safety
1 Victoria Street

Other events

Although the legal requirement is that other events must be reported within 15 days from the end of the month in which the incident occurs, it would be helpful if all other incidents are reported within 10 working days using the ESQCR online report form[4].

Interruptions of supply

Interruptions of supply must be reported using the ESQCR online report form[5], or in writing to Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) providing the details described in schedule 4 of the Regulation[6]

ESQCR Reporting Incidents - DECC
Network Resilience
3 Whitehall Place

Link URLs in this page

  1. ESQCR online report form
  2. ESQCR online report form
  3. schedule - 3 of the Regulation
  4. ESQCR online report form
  5. ESQCR online report form
  6. schedule 4 of the Regulation
  7. ESQCR online report form
  8. The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002
  10. Electricity safety
  11. Statistics

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