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Plan and manage low-risk, small-scale sports and activities

  • Ensure the playing surface is in good repair.
  • Take steps to reduce the risk of competitors being injured if they accidentally collide with any fencing, pillars, lamp posts etc that may be located at the edge of the playing surface.  
  • Depending on the number of spectators you have, manage entrances and exits to prevent crushing.
  • Keep pedestrian walkways free from slip and trip hazards.
  • Take steps to ensure pedestrians and vehicles can circulate safely.

  • Check the sports equipment you provide and / or have control over is safe to use (store equipment safely when not in use).
  • Check the proximity to any overhead power lines before moving equipment like rugby posts and/or erecting large marquees / tents – think about how you will do this safely. It may be sensible to have a large marquee erected and taken down by the company it is hired from.
  • Protect people from electric shock or burn. For instance, if you are using mains voltage outside use a 'trip device' to ensure that the current is promptly cut off if contact is made with any live part.

  • Refer to our checklist on church halls and similar premises[4].  The checklist covers fire precautions and emergency evacuation arrangement, safe movement around the building, electrical equipment, gas appliances, asbestos management and legionnaires disease. This checklist will apply to places like community halls.
  • Deal with any catering related risks eg the use of  hot surfaces, in a sensible way.

  • Have a plan for what to do if there is an emergency or something not going according to plan eg because of bad weather - are you storm-ready?
  • Have a means of raising the alarm if there is an emergency.
  • Have adequately trained first-aiders.
  • Ensure an ambulance and/or fire engine can gain access to your venue.
  • Ensure everyone knows about the emergency arrangements. 

Link URLs in this page

  1. can do
  2. SRA website.
  3. local authority
  4. checklist on church halls and similar premises
  5. Checklist for premises eg community halls
  6. Useful links to sports organisations/associations
  7. Adventure activities
  8. Safety bulletins
  9. Local Authority Unit
  10. Construction 2015
  11. Voluntary organisations

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Updated 2025-03-04