Work-related Death Protocol (WRDP)
HSE and other regulators involved in investigating any work-related death want to work together as effectively and efficiently as possible. To help to do this, protocols and liaison arrangements between the various organisations have been agreed and recorded in the Work-related Death Protocols (WRDP).
In England and Wales the National Liaison Committee (NLC) own and review the operation of the Work-related Deaths Protocol for England and Wales (WRDP).
In Scotland the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service is responsible for reviewing the operation of the Work-related Deaths Protocol (WRDP) for Scotland, with the help of the signatory organisations.
Two separate protocols are in place to reflect the different legal systems that operate in England and Wales, and in Scotland.
WRDP in England and Wales
Introduced in 1998, and last updated in September 2011, the WRDP sets out the principles for effective liaison during criminal investigations of work-related deaths in England and Wales.
There are nine signatories to the WRDP, these include:
- the Office of Rail and Road
- the police through the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC)
- Crown Prosecution Service
- Local Government Association and the Welsh Local Government Association
- British Transport Police
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Fire and Rescue Services through the Chief Fire Officers Association
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency's Medical Devices Division became a signatory to the Work-related Deaths Protocol for England and Wales via an addendum[16] from 1 April 2012.
Investigating and prosecuting fatal incidents
WRDP signatories have a specific role in investigating or prosecuting work-related fatal incidents.
While the Coroners' Society is not a signatory to the WRDP, they are an integral part of operating the WRDP effectively. There is a Memorandum of Understanding between the HSE and the Coroners' Society which was last reviewed in September 2011.
Other organisations that acknowledge WRDP
In addition to the nine signatories, other organisations acknowledging the protocol and its principles of liaison are:
- the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA
- the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
- the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB)
- the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)
- Port Police Chief Officer's Association (PPCOA)
- the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB)
WRDP in England and Wales
- Work-related deaths: A protocol for liaison (England and Wales) (PDF) [17]
- Marwolaethau sy'n gysylltiedig â gwaith: protocol ar gyfer cyswllt (PDF) [18]
- Addendum to the Work-related Death Protocol Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Medical Devices Division becomes a signatory [19]
- Work-related Deaths: Practical Guide (England and Wales) (PDF) [20]
- Protocol Marwolaethau Cysylltiedig â Gwaith: Canllaw ymarferol (PDF) [21]
- Work-related Deaths: Handover Document (.doc) [22]
- Work-related deaths: Guidance on the timing of the criminal proceedings in a work-related death case (PDF) [23]
- Marwolaethau cysylltiedig â gwaith:Cyfarwyddyd ar amseru camau cyfreithiol mewn achos o farwolaethsy'n gysylltiedig â'r gwaith (Lloegr a Chymru) (PDF) [24]
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the HSE and the Coroner's Society (PDF) [25]
- Enforcement Guide England and Wales[26]
- OC 165/10: Work-related deaths: liaison with police, prosecuting authorities, local authorities, and other interested authorities including consideration of individual and corporate manslaughter / homicide[27]
WDRP in Scotland
Scotland has its own version of the WRDP (PDF) [28]. The Protocol has been agreed between:
- the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS)
- Office of Rail and Road (ORR),
- Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS)
- British Transport Police
WDRP guidance in Scotland
- Work-related deaths: A protocol for liaison (Scotland) (PDF) [29]
- Enforcement Guide Scotland[30]
- OC 165/10: Work-related deaths: liaison with police, prosecuting authorities, local authorities, and other interested authorities including consideration of individual and corporate manslaughter / homicide [31]