Electrical contractor killed whilst examining faulty air conditioning unit
An electrical contractor received a fatal electric shock whilst examining a faulty air conditioning unit at premises owned and controlled by a Metropolitan Borough Council. Investigation found that the Council had failed to maintain the air conditioning unit in a safe condition, despite having had knowledge of its condition for some time. Also, this was the second electrocution on premises under control of the council in 5 years.
The Metropolitan Borough Council was prosecuted under the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974, Section 2, Sub Section 1, and the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974, Section 3, Sub Section 1 and fined £400,000.
Those in control of work activities have a responsibility to maintain equipment in such a state that it is safe. They should also provide such information and instruction as is necessary to ensure that workers are able to work safely.
Diagnosing faults with electrical equipment is covered by Safety in electrical [72].