Link URLs in this page

  1. Electrical safety
  2. Overview - HSE electrical safety
  3. How we work
  4. Who we are
  5. Contacts
  6. Electrical injuries
  7. Overview - Simple precautions
  8. Work near electricity
  9. Excavation and underground services
  10. Overhead power lines
  11. Work using electrically powered equipment
  12. Work on electrical equipment, machinery or installations
  13. Maintaining electrical equipment
  14. Electricity in potentially explosive atmospheres
  15. Standards and codes of practice
  16. Electrical safety FAQs
  17. Overview - Electricity in potentially explosive atmospheres FAQs
  18. General, guidance and enforcement issues
  19. Definitions
  20. Interpretation
  21. Technical standards
  22. Existing equipment issues
  23. Imported products
  24. General issues and information
  25. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) issues
  26. Overview - Resources
  27. General health and safety
  28. Inspection & testing
  29. Maintenance
  30. Construction
  31. Farming/forestry
  32. Public places
  33. Potentially explosive atmospheres
  34. The law
  35. Other workplaces
  36. Links
  37. Overview - Accident case studies
  38. Overview - Overhead power lines
  39. Lorry driver suffers burns
  40. Failing to warn driver of overhead lines
  41. Failure to isolate power supply
  42. Erecting a lighting tower
  43. Scaffolding contacting overhead line
  44. Moving tower scaffold
  45. Overview - Electrical maintenance
  46. Changing an electrode
  47. Touching live equipment
  48. Incorrectly wired appliance
  49. Insulating live wires
  50. Faulty air conditioning unit
  51. Live electrical panel
  52. Supply not been properly isolated
  53. Injuries result in amputation
  54. Switchgear not isolated
  55. Induction heat treatment machine
  56. Poorly constructed equipment
  57. Pressure water washing machine
  58. Metal fence
  59. Incorrectly wiring a machine
  60. Mail wrapping machine
  61. Overview - Excavations
  62. Cable locator
  63. Road breaker
  64. Pneumatic impact mole
  65. Pneumatic breaker
  66. Jackhammer
  67. Breaking concrete
  68. Gas pipes and electrical cables
  69. Overview - Ignition of potentially explosive atmospheres
  70. Removing paint in a yacht
  71. Cleaning electric stirrer
  72. guidance on electrical safety
  73. introduction to electrical safety
  74. The Electricity at Work Regulations
  75. The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations
  76. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  77. The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations
  78. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
  79. The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations
  80. Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  81. Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations
  82. Memorandum of guidance on the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
  83. Electricity at work: Safe working practices
  84. Electrical safety and you: A brief guide
  85. Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres
  86. HSE Books
  87. ESQCR
  88. incidents
  89. Construction industry
  90. Agriculture
  91. Offshore division
  92. Chemical industries
  93. Quarries
  94. RIDDOR
  95. Statistics

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations

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Updated 2024-10-07