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Work using electrically powered equipment

You should make sure that electrical equipment used for work is safe. Here are a list of actions that should be taken to ensure this is so:

  1. Perform a risk assessment (PDF) [72] to identify the hazards, the risks arising from those hazards, and the control measures you should use.
  2. Check that the electrical equipment is suitable for the work and way in which it is going to be used.
  3. Check that the electrical equipment is in good condition. The HSE booklet 'Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment'[73] will help you do this.
  4. Check that the equipment is suitable for the electrical supply with which it is going to be used, and the electrical supply is safe.
  5. It is often beneficial to use a Residual Current Device (RCD) between the electrical supply and the equipment.
  6. Make sure that the user of the equipment is trained to use it safely and can keep others safe.
  7. Make sure the user knows which personal protective equipment to wear, how to use it, and make sure they do.

Check that the electrical equipment is suitable

  • The equipment should be physically capable of doing the job, and designed and constructed so that mechanical and electrical stresses do not cause the equipment to become unsafe.
  • If the environment is damp you may choose to use battery or air powered equipment, or equipment that operates at a reduced voltage such as that supplied by a transformer with an output that is centre tapped to earth (this halves the voltage between a live wire and earth). These are used in the construction industry and are readily available from hire shops.
  • If the environment is conductive with restricted movement (eg inside a metal tank) additional precautions are necessary. BS7671 'Requirements for Electrical Installations', IEE Wiring Regulations, Seventeenth edition, Section 706, gives guidance on this.
  • If there is the chance that there is an explosive atmosphere[74] (containing flammable aerosols, vapours, gases or dusts) nearby you should ensure the work can be carried out safely and that the right equipment is chosen. (see Resources[75])

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Check that the electrical equipment is in good condition

Many faults with work equipment can be found during a simple visual inspection:

  • Switch off and unplug the equipment before you start any checks.
  • Check that the plug is correctly wired (but only if you are competent to do so).
  • Ensure the fuse is correctly rated by checking the equipment rating plate or instruction book.
  • Check that the plug is not damaged and that the cable is properly secured with no internal wires visible.
  • Check the electrical cable is not damaged and has not been repaired with insulating tape or an unsuitable connector. Damaged cable should be replaced with a new cable by a competent person.
  • Check that the outer cover of the equipment is not damaged in a way that will give rise to electrical or mechanical hazards.
  • Check for burn marks or staining that suggests the equipment is overheating.
  • Position any trailing wires so that they are not a trip hazard and are less likely to get damaged.

If you are concerned about the safety of the equipment you should stop it from being used and ask a competent person to undertake a more thorough check.

Additional information on the visual inspection of electrical equipment is in the free guidance note Homeworking[76].

Additional regular inspections may be required where a risk assessment indicates this is necessary (such as where equipment is used in a harsh environment). These inspections should be performed by a competent person using suitable equipment, and often enough to ensure equipment does not become unsafe between the inspections.

The table below gives a list of suggested initial inspection intervals for different types of equipment. The combined inspection and test could be a Portable Appliance Test (PAT), or a detailed test with a more sophisticated instrument. You should make sure that the person carrying out the tests is trained and competent to do so. See the guidance booklet Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment[77] for more information.

You may need to change how often inspections are being carried out if there are indications that equipment may become unsafe before the next inspection.

Type of business User checks Formal visual inspection Combined inspection and test
Equipment hire N/A Before issue/after return Before issue
Construction (see Electrical safety on construction sites for more detail) 110 V - Weekly 230 V mains - Daily/every shift 110 V - Monthly 230 V - weekly 110 V - Before first use on site then 3 monthly 230 V mains - Before first use on site then monthly
Light industrial Yes Before initial use, then 6 monthly 6 months to 1 year
Heavy industrial/high risk of equipment damage Daily Weekly 6 months to 1 year
Office information technology eg desktop computers, photocopiers, fax machines No 1 to 2 years None if double-insulated, otherwise up to 5 years
Double insulated equipment not hand-held, eg fans,table lamps No 2 to 3 years No
Hand-held double insulated (Class II) equipment, eg some floor cleaners, kitchen equipment and irons Yes 6 months to 1 year No
Earthed (Class I) equipment, eg electric kettles, some floor cleaners Yes 6 months to 1 year 1 to 2 years
Equipment used by the public, eg in hotels By member of staff 3 months 1 year
Cables and plugs, extension leads Yes 1 year 2 years

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Check that the electrical equipment is suitable for the electrical supply

Make sure that the electrical equipment you are intending to use is suitable for the electrical supply to which you are connecting it. Check the voltage is correct and that the supply can deliver the current required by the equipment (the power requirements of the equipment will be shown on its rating plate).

Check the electrical supply is safe to use

You should be sure that the electrical supply is safe to use. Regular tests performed by a competent person, using suitable equipment are a good way of reducing risks. Where there is evidence that the supply may not be safe, such as damaged equipment or wiring, the supply should not be used until work has been done to correct this. Some simple user checks can be carried out on electrical socket outlets using an electrical socket tester, but it is essential that the correct type of tester is used. If any doubt remains regarding the safety of the electrical supply, a competent person should be consulted.

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Use a Residual Current Device (RCD)

A Residual Current Device (RCD) can reduce the likelihood of an electrical injury but a shock can still cause very serious or fatal injuries, so an RCD should only be used as a secondary means of reducing the risk of people being injured by electricity. RCD's are not designed to prevent the ignition of an explosive atmosphere[78] and should not be used for this purpose.

The best place for an RCD is built into the main switchboard, as this means that the electrical supply is permanently protected. If this is not possible, an electrical socket outlet incorporating an RCD, or a plug in RCD adaptor, can also provide additional safety.

If an electrical socket outlet incorporating an RCD, or a plug in RCD adaptor is used it should be tested, by the user, prior to use by operating the Test button. Faulty RCDs should not be used and either removed for use or labelled as faulty.

An RCD detects some, but not all, faults in the electrical system and rapidly switches off the supply, reducing the potential for injury caused by a common type of electric shock. To reduce the likelihood of injury to people the RCD should have a tripping current of not more than 30 milliamps (mA). RCDs with a higher tripping current are used to protect against fire.


An RCD is a valuable safety device, never bypass it; if the RCD trips, it is a sign there is a fault. Check the system before using it again; if the RCD trips frequently and no fault can be found in the system, consult the manufacturer of the RCD; the RCD has a test button to check that its mechanism is free and functioning. Use this regularly.

If lighting circuits are protected by the same RCD that also protects other equipment, a fault that causes the RCD to trip will also result in the loss of lighting that could give rise to a number of risks (such as trips and falls or the dangers from moving machinery). You should perform a risk assessment to identify the effect of fitting an RCD to electrical circuits.

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Electrical safety
  2. Overview - HSE electrical safety
  3. How we work
  4. Who we are
  5. Contacts
  6. Electrical injuries
  7. Overview - Simple precautions
  8. Work near electricity
  9. Excavation and underground services
  10. Overhead power lines
  11. Work using electrically powered equipment
  12. Work on electrical equipment, machinery or installations
  13. Maintaining electrical equipment
  14. Electricity in potentially explosive atmospheres
  15. Standards and codes of practice
  16. Electrical safety FAQs
  17. Overview - Electricity in potentially explosive atmospheres FAQs
  18. General, guidance and enforcement issues
  19. Definitions
  20. Interpretation
  21. Technical standards
  22. Existing equipment issues
  23. Imported products
  24. General issues and information
  25. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) issues
  26. Overview - Resources
  27. General health and safety
  28. Inspection & testing
  29. Maintenance
  30. Construction
  31. Farming/forestry
  32. Public places
  33. Potentially explosive atmospheres
  34. The law
  35. Other workplaces
  36. Links
  37. Overview - Accident case studies
  38. Overview - Overhead power lines
  39. Lorry driver suffers burns
  40. Failing to warn driver of overhead lines
  41. Failure to isolate power supply
  42. Erecting a lighting tower
  43. Scaffolding contacting overhead line
  44. Moving tower scaffold
  45. Overview - Electrical maintenance
  46. Changing an electrode
  47. Touching live equipment
  48. Incorrectly wired appliance
  49. Insulating live wires
  50. Faulty air conditioning unit
  51. Live electrical panel
  52. Supply not been properly isolated
  53. Injuries result in amputation
  54. Switchgear not isolated
  55. Induction heat treatment machine
  56. Poorly constructed equipment
  57. Pressure water washing machine
  58. Metal fence
  59. Incorrectly wiring a machine
  60. Mail wrapping machine
  61. Overview - Excavations
  62. Cable locator
  63. Road breaker
  64. Pneumatic impact mole
  65. Pneumatic breaker
  66. Jackhammer
  67. Breaking concrete
  68. Gas pipes and electrical cables
  69. Overview - Ignition of potentially explosive atmospheres
  70. Removing paint in a yacht
  71. Cleaning electric stirrer
  72. Perform a risk assessment
  73. 'Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment'
  74. explosive atmosphere
  75. Resources
  76. Homeworking
  77. Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment
  78. explosive atmosphere
  79. Electricity at work: Safe working practices
  80. Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment
  81. Maintaining portable electric equipment in low-risk environments
  82. Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres
  83. HSE Books
  84. ESQCR
  85. incidents
  86. Construction industry
  87. Agriculture
  88. Offshore division
  89. Chemical industries
  90. Quarries
  91. RIDDOR
  92. Statistics

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations

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Updated 2023-04-12