Sensible health and safety management in schools

A sensible approach to health and safety in schools means focusing on how the real risks are managed. The guidance on this series of webpages will help those responsible for managing health and safety in schools to strike the right balance, so that the real risks are managed and learning opportunities are experienced to the full. Sensible health and safety management should be straightforward, it's just part of good school leadership.

Leading sensible health and safety management in schools

Getting the balance right

Check that your health and safety management arrangements are sensible and proportionate.

Check your balance

The role of school leaders

Key roles for:

Leadership roles

Is it really health and safety? 

Health and safety law deals with work related activities including:

  • The risks to members of staff
  • Managing the risks to pupils arising from school activities
  • Managing the risks to visitors and contractors

What the legislation covers

Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)

There is guidance available on managing risk from RAAC.

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Updated: 2024-02-06