
Involving students and carers

Involving students and carers in the risk assessment process will help identify hazards that might otherwise have been overlooked.

Wherever possible identify the needs of the individual student before they attend the educational establishment.  Educational employers should seek to receive information on students in advance.

Health and safety law puts no legal duty on students and their families to cooperate in the risk management process. However, HSE recognises that risk assessments developed in consultation with students or their advocates are likely to be more acceptable and effective. They might prevent a student being treated less favourably or at a substantial disadvantage without justification.  So, involve the student and the carer as early as possible.

They can:

  • identify hazards that might otherwise have been overlooked eg how they could be moved in the case of an emergency
  • have an in-depth knowledge of the student's needs, eg views on what activities they would like to participate in; how they wish to be assisted; what they feel most comfortable with; and
  • have considerable experience in moving and assisting.


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Updated 2023-08-15