Recreational divers who are paying for a dive guide or instructor

  • If divers are paying for training from a diving instructor or there is a dive guide employed then the Diving at Work Regulations 1997 will apply.
  • There should be a 'Diving Project Plan'. The instructor or guide should brief the divers on its content.
  • This plan should cover team size and the duties that some of the team will carry out. There should be a minimum of three people nominated in the plan:
    • the 'supervisor' (usually the instructor/guide)
    • a 'person on the surface' who can summon help if required
    • a diver nominated as the 'safety or rescue diver' qualified to render assistance to the supervisor if necessary. A novice diver will not usually be able to carry out this role
  • The pre-dive brief should cover the planned duration and the criteria for ending the dive and returning to the surface (usually time and/or cylinder pressure). The brief should also cover dive abort procedures, if the expected water conditions are not acceptable, and lost diver procedures.
  • The plan should detail the arrangements for the provision of first aid and oxygen administration.
  • The 'staff divers' should all have an in date HSE 'certificate of medical fitness to dive'.
  • Equipment servicing records should be available.
  • If using a dry suit, adequate confined water training should be completed before open water use.

Further information can be obtained from HSE's diving website[1].

Link URLs in this page

  1. HSE's diving website
  2. The Medical Examination and Assessment of Divers (MA1)
  3. Offshore oil and gas
  4. Pressure systems
  5. Diving at Work Regulations 1997
  6. Association of Diving Contractors
  7. Scuba Industries Trade Association
  8. UK Scientific Diving Supervisory Committee
  9. International Marine Contractors Association

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Updated 2025-03-12