What HSE is doing - Action on COPD
HSE is currently looking at all occupations that may cause COPD. Along with occupational health professionals, stakeholders and partners we will identify the priority areas where there is a need for action.
This year and next, HSE will be involved in projects in agriculture, stonemasonry and welding.
These industries have been targeted as evidence suggests that in today's workplace they create the greatest potential risk of COPD.
HSE are looking to do future work in the following occupations:
- Brickmaking
- Quarrying
The Top tips page of this website provide further information on good practice.
Occupational Asthma
The Respiratory Disease team has already developed a programme of activities to deal with occupational asthma. There are a number of projects that HSE are involved in which target occupations with the highest rates of occupational asthma.
The project involves working in partnership with others to raise awareness of the causes of occupational asthma and improving good practice. For more information please see the Occupational Asthma Website.