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Introduction to working in confined spaces

A confined space is one which is both enclosed or largely enclosed and has a reasonably foreseeable specified risk to workers of:

  • fire
  • explosion
  • loss of consciousness
  • asphyxiation
  • drowning

It may be small and restrictive for the worker or it could be far larger such as a grain storage silo with hundreds of cubic metre capacity.


Working in a confined space is dangerous because of the risks from noxious fumes, reduced oxygen levels, or a risk of fire.

Other dangers may include flooding, drowning or asphyxiation from some other source such as dust, grain or other contaminant.

What you have to do

Wherever possible, you should avoid carrying out tasks in confined spaces. If this is not possible, you must assess the risks of the particular confined space and plan how you will control those risks. For example, if:

  • a confined space has harmful fumes, you should consider how these can be ventilated or removed
  • there is a risk of liquids or gases flooding in, you should establish whether the valves can be locked shut
  • someone is going into a confined space and there is not enough oxygen to breathe properly, you must provide breathing apparatus or ventilate the space to increase oxygen levels before entering

You should have emergency arrangements where necessary. If someone is working in a confined space, think about the following:

  • how will you know they are okay and have not been overcome by fumes?
  • how will you get them out if they are overcome? (It’s not enough to rely on the emergency services)


  • be aware of the risks that may occur within a confined space
  • make sure the person doing the work is capable and trained in both the work and the use of any emergency equipment

Do not

  • work in confined spaces unless it's essential to do so
  • ignore the risks – just because a confined space is safe one day does not mean it will always be
  • let others enter a confined space until you are sure it's safe to do so


The law

Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 ([1]

Other legislation may apply, depending on where the confined space is situated or on the task being carried out, for example:

Confined spaces within machinery

Equipment required before entering a confined space

Link URLs in this page

  1. Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 (
  2. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
  3. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (
  4. Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 (
  5. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended) (
  6. Confined spaces: A brief guide to working safely
  7. Legislation
  8. Resources
  9. Hypoxic environments
  10. Wood pellet bio-fuel

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Updated 2025-02-07