Terms to avoid on a hazard label

A hazard label should not include any terms, phrases or words that might mislead the user about the hazards present or underestimate them.

Terms to avoid

You should also avoid using statements such as 'safe', 'non-harmful', 'non-toxic', 'non-polluting', 'ecological', 'eco' on the labels of substances or mixtures which have been classified as hazardous.

Any other statements that are inconsistent with or contradict the classification of the substance or mixture being placed on the market should not appear on the label either.

Trade/product names

Careful consideration should be given to the use of a trade or product name, or other designation of the mixture, if that name includes any of the prohibited terms, such as 'eco'. Trade names should not be inconsistent with the requirements of a hazard label.


The GB Biocidal Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No.528/2012) also prohibits certain terms and wording on accompanying hazard labels (Article 72 refers). More information on this Regulation can be found at:

Link URLs in this page

  1. HSE Biocides websitehttps://www.hse.gov.uk/biocides/index.htm

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Updated: 2022-02-11