The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Stakeholder Group meets twice a year (June and November) immediately prior to the meetings of the UNSCEGHS held in Geneva in July and December each year.
The Group is invited to comment on all the issues tabled for UN Sub-Committee of Experts on GHS (UNSCEGHS) meetings, either in formal working papers or information papers. All UN papers are fully open to encourage transparency in how the GHS is to be developed.
Agendas for the GHS meetings with links to the informal and working documents can be viewed at the link below:
The GHS Stakeholder Group has proved to be very successful and a considerable asset to HSE in developing responses to UN GHS proposals for chemical classification and labelling.
How to join the Group
HSE is keen to welcome new members. If you would like to join the Group, please let us know. While the discussions tend to focus on the more technical aspects of classification, all with an interest in classification and labelling are welcome.