GB classification and labelling

Classifying and labelling substances and mixtures placed on the GB market

Substances and mixtures placed on the GB market must be classified and labelled in line with the GB CLP Regulation.

There are 2 kinds of classification:

  • mandatory classification
  • self-classification

Mandatory classification

Mandatory classification is a classification that has been made legally binding within Great Britain. It is equivalent to the 'harmonised classifications' that exist under EU CLP.

The mandatory classifications and the accompanying hazard labelling (MCL) are shown on the GB mandatory classification and labelling list (GB MCL list).

Where a substance has an MCL for some or all hazard classes, suppliers to the GB market must apply it.

The GB mandatory classification and labelling system is hosted, managed and operated by HSE (as the GB CLP Agency).


Self-classification is where the supplier gathers and evaluates all of the available information, then compares it to the classification criteria.

Self-classification applies to all mixtures, and to substances which do not have a mandatory classification.

Substances which do have a mandatory classification must be self-classified for any hazard classes not covered by that mandatory classification.

How to stay up to date with changes to GB mandatory classification and labelling

To stay up to date with changes to GB mandatory classification and labelling:

Link URLs in this page

  1. The GB MCL List
  2. sign up to HSE’s GB CLP e-Bulletin
  3. read the publications supporting ministerial decisions on new or revised GB MCL
  4. Submitting a new or revised GB mandatory classification and labelling proposal

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Updated: 2024-09-12