How does ADR apply to the small scale carriage of industrial gases?

Acetylene and small scale carriage of industrial gases

Acetylene, LPG and other gases are commonly carried by tradesmen such as welders and motor vehicle repair technicians. Flammable gases are in Transport Category 2.  Oxygen and gases such as carbon dioxide and argon are in Transport Category 3. Usually the small load threshold exemptions will apply, 

The parts of ADR which apply are then

  • Driver to have received "general awareness", "function specific", and "safety" training (ADR 1.3).  A training record should be kept.
  • Vehicle to be equipped with at least one 2 kg dry powder fire extinguisher which is kept in good working order.
  • The load to be properly stowed.  Note that special provisions CV9, 10 and 36 all apply in the case of these gases. In particular, CV 36 specifies:

"Packages shall preferably be loaded in open or ventilated vehicles or open or ventilated containers. If this is not feasible and packages are carried in other closed vehicles or containers, the cargo doors of the vehicles or containers shall be marked with the following in letters not less than 25 mm high:


This shall be in a language considered appropriate by the consignor."

HSE has published the leaflet "Working safely with acetylene" and the British Compressed Gases Association has a useful guidance note on the topic of carrying gas cylinders in vehicles, GN27 Guidance for the carriage of gas cylinders on vehicles. This and a wider range of BCGA publications can be found on their website. The UKLPG has also published its Code of Practice 27 "Carriage of LPG Cylinders by Road.

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Updated 2020-11-02