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HSE and CCS planning

England and Wales

HSE is a statutory consultee for all Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects[1] (NSIPs) in England and Wales. Developers of NSIPs and the Planning Inspectorate (formerly the Infrastructure Planning Commission) have a statutory duty to consult HSE where a project is a large-scale facility that supports the UK economy and is vital public services. Where CCS projects are NSIPs, HSE would be consulted.


In Scotland, the Scottish Government has a role similar to the Planning Inspectorate in England and Wales.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects
  2. The health and safety risks and regulatory strategy related to energy developments
  3. Emerging Energy Technologies Programme: Background Report
  4. Assessment of the major hazard potential of carbon dioxide (CO2)
  5. Chemical manufacture and storage website
  6. Planning applications for NSIP consultation with HSE
  7. Scottish Government - Energy Consents
  8. Pipelines website
  9. Offshore website
  10. COSHH
  11. COMAH

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Carbon capture and storage
Control of substances hazardous to health

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Updated 2025-02-04