7. Training and information for work involving asbestos
Workers who are likely to disturb asbestos during their normal day-to-day work must be appropriately trained to work safely with asbestos or trained to be aware of it and stop work.
Employers must provide training and information
Employers must provide adequate information, instruction and training for workers.
To stay safe, and protect others, workers must know how to recognise asbestos-containing materials and what to do if they find them.
Asbestos awareness training
Anyone whose work could disturb asbestos or who supervise or influence the work should know how to recognise and avoid disturbing asbestos-containing materials.
Workers with the appropriate training should know:
- the dangers of asbestos and its effects on health
- the types, uses and where asbestos-containing material is likely to be in buildings
- general procedures to deal with an emergency, like an uncontrolled disturbance and release of asbestos
- how to avoid the risk of exposure to asbestos
Awareness training does not allow you to undertake work which will disturb asbestos.
Additional training
Workers who plan to carry out non-licensed work on asbestos need additional information, instruction and training.
Our guidance includes training for non-licensable work[8]