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Aviation fuel mini-bowser

The issue

Aviation fuel mini-bowser

The mini-bowser was a 2000 litre capacity elliptical tank designed for carrying aviation fuel. It was mounted on a double wheeled trailer with a diesel driven pump attached to the front A-frame. There were concerns about:

  • the fuel hoses and connections;
  • possible lack of earthing continuity;
  • risk of leakage;
  • diesel pump that was not designed for safe use in hazardous atmospheres.

The following defects were identified that could have potentially resulted in an explosion.

  • Ignition sources were present in close proximity to the fuel hoses.
  • The diesel motor was not designed for safe use in hazardous atmospheres.
  • The pump was essentially designed for water and there was potential for a major fuel leak over the pump body and the unprotected diesel motor.
  • There was the potential for the pump to run dry in service resulting in frictional heating of bearings and possible ignition of fuel vapour.
  • The couplings on the flexible hoses were of an unsuitable type and did not provide the necessary electrical connection to prevent the potential for ignition by spark.
  • The unsuitable hose couplings would not give reliable joint security.

What action should you take?

If you are a user of such equipment you should:

  • Ensure the equipment is appropriate to use in flammable atmospheres.
  • Follow relevant legislation and guidance on the safe use of such equipment.
  • Have procedures in place to maintain the equipment.
  • Have in place safe operating procedures including relevant training for people using the equipment.

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of such equipment you should:

  • Ensure that it complies with relevant legislation and British Standards.

Further information

Link URLs in this page

  1. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR)
  2. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
  3. Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996 (EPS)
  4. CAA Guidance CAP 748 'Aircraft fuelling and fuel installation management'
  5. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
  6. International Air Transport Association
  7. 'Access to Air Travel for Disabled People - Code of Practice'
  8. Worker involvement
  9. Report an incident
  10. Raise a workplace concern
  11. Competence in health and safety
  12. Musculoskeletal disorders
  13. Slips and trips
  14. Workplace transport

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Updated 2024-08-16