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Crushing hazards

Crush points exist when two objects move toward each other, or when one object moves toward a stationary object.

Types of machinery

  • Reciprocating mechanisms, eg grain cleaners, box fillers, hop presses, baler needles
  • Hydraulically raised equipment, eg trailers and rear doors, telescopic handler booms, combine headers
  • Trailed machines with drawbars, eg trailers, balers, manure spreaders
  • Linkage mounted machinery stability, eg post drivers, sprayers, fertiliser spreaders

Operator errors

  • Reaching into or entering crush areas with the machine operating
  • Incorrectly hitching tractors to implements and trailers
  • Failing to support machinery during repairs or maintenance

Design points

  • Protect crush points so that workers cannot get their arms or hands trapped. This involves allowing adequate clearance around the moving parts.
  • Prevent access to crush points using fixed guards or interlocked guards.
  • Provide check valves and mechanical supports for hydraulic equipment that are easy to use from outside the danger area
  • Ensure drawbar jacks and stands can support the machine in all conditions of use.
  • Provide stabilisers for unbalanced machines when they are de-mounted.
  • Removable devices should be stored on the machine in a safely accessible place when they are not needed.

Operator instructions and training

Instructions for using this type of machinery must include clear guidance on:

  • Controls
  • Safe maintenance
  • Relevant training, eg Lantra[1] qualification and accreditation

Find out more

  • Standard BS EN 349 Minimum gaps to avoid crushing parts of the human body - offers guidance on the distances required around moving parts to safeguard against crushing hazards.
  • Standard BS EN ISO 4254-1 Agricultural machinery safety – General requirements

How to obtain copies of British, European and International standards.[2]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Lantra
  2. How to obtain copies of British, European and International standards.
  3. Working safely with agricultural machinery
  4. Buying new machinery
  5. Power take-offs and power take-off drive shafts

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