
We aim to have a workforce which reflects the society we serve and to create an inclusive culture that values and respects diversity.

Public sector equality duty

The Equality Act 2010 applied a Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) to public bodies. The Equality Duty requires public authorities to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. In addition, many public bodies, including HSE, have specific duties under the act.

The specific duties require us to publish:

  • equality information
  • equality objectives

Equality objectives

We will continue to build our diversity with a specific focus on improving Racial Inclusion and Representation across all grades in HSE to better reflect the public we serve.

We will continue to build and sustain a supportive and inclusive culture, where diversity of thought and experience is recognised, encouraged and celebrated.

We have a zero tolerance approach for bullying, harassment and discrimination (BHD). We will sustain and build on our great work in reducing bullying, harassment and discrimination. We will focus on ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and confident speaking up on a range of issues – from BHD, to raising concerns about colleagues' wellbeing, security or concerns about behaviour.

Hybrid working will require a culture shift, the establishment of new ways of working and associated policies and practices to maximise the significant benefits to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for individuals and HSE. We will provide a supportive system and framework for employees and line managers, reviewing the impact of the new Hybrid Working Policy to ensure that it is having the intended impact. 

We will ensure that our services are delivered in a way that takes account of the diversity of thought and experience of the breadth of the communities and service users we connect with. Our consistent approach to assessing equality will account for the ways that people may access our services and will ensure that information we provide is presented in a way that is clear and accessible to meet the diverse needs of our audiences.

We will prepare and publish equality objectives, at least every four years, to help HSE further the three aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty.

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Updated 2024-12-02