Pedestrian walkways and cycleways

Pedestrians and cyclists should be kept away from vehicle routes wherever possible in order to avoid possible conflict. Separate pedestrian walkways and cycleways that are clearly identified and separated from each other, should be provided. Guard rails or fencing should be provided where appropriate to separate pedestrians and cyclists from vehicles. Pedestrian walkways should be separated from cycleways by surface markings. Additional protection should be provided at exits and entrances from buildings.

Road crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists should be clearly identified and consideration should be given to clearly identifying crossings by traffic lights, zebra markings or other such systems. Zebra crossings can also be incorporated into layout design. Traffic lights and zebra crossings need only be considered when traffic flows do not provide adequate gaps in the traffic for pedestrians and cyclists to cross. Advice on the provision of zebra crossings can be found in the DETR Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 8.

The positioning of pedestrian and cyclist crossing points should be considered carefully to ensure that all users have adequate visibility.

It may be necessary to erect guard rails to stop pedestrians crossing on corners where visibility is reduced. Guardrails should be set back a minimum of 500mm from the kerb and be designed in accordance with BS 3049 `Pedestrian Guard Rails'.

Where road crossings are wide, it is appropriate to provide central refuges to allow the roadway to be crossed safely in two or more movements. In some circumstances footbridges or subways may be considered necessary.

The movement of pedestrians and cyclists onto/off and around site should be considered, not only for routine access between plants during the working day but also for mass movements which may occur at the beginning or end of the working day, during shift changeovers, at lunchtime and under emergency evacuation conditions.

Physical barriers

Physical barriers should be installed, where necessary, adjacent to roadways to reduce the potential impact of road traffic accidents. Consideration should be given to the protection of vulnerable pipework, storage tanks and other plant and equipment. Protective barriers should be designed to BS 7669 `Vehicle Restraint Systems'.

When considering the installation of barriers it is important that visibility is not reduced below acceptable standards for road users and pedestrians.

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