The HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool should be used in conjunction with the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool User Manual. The HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool is also available in a number of different languages on HSE's Management Standards website.
If you plan to use the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool as part of a customised 'pick and mix' approach:
There are a number of ways in which you may wish to incorporate some of the Management Standards survey tools into your own customised approach. Some of these are listed below:
- Incorporating HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool into your own survey: You may wish to incorporate the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool into your own survey. In this case, we would suggest that you keep the question wording and scoring system the same and the items in the same order and use the HSE Management Standards Analysis Tool to analyse your results. If you use other software to carry out a preliminary analysis of the data, please note that the scoring system is reversed for some items.
- Using online survey tools: You may wish to use the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool in conjunction with a commercially available survey tool to conduct an online survey. Once you have completed the survey you can use the import facility to import your results directly into the HSE Management Standards Analysis Tool.