This page provides basic information on the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)[1]. It gives definitions of key terms and covers:
- what RIDDOR is
- who should report
- reportable injuries
- what a reportable accident is
- what a reportable incident means
- what ‘work-related accident’ means
What RIDDOR is
RIDDOR is the law that requires employers, and other people in charge of work premises to report and keep records of all:
- work-related fatalities
- work-related injuries[2]
- diagnosed cases of reportable occupational diseases[3]
- certain dangerous occurrences[4] (incidents with the potential to cause harm)
The purpose of RIDDOR is to inform the relevant enforcing authority that a work-related accident or incident has happened.
This is so either HSE or the local authority can respond to ensure compliance with health and safety law.
You can find the correct enforcing authority for you[5].
Who should report
Reports should only be submitted by the ‘responsible person' with duties under RIDDOR, such as:
- employers (in relation to workers)
- some self-employed people
- those in control of work premises when a reportable work-related accident or event has occurred
There is more information on who should report under RIDDOR[6].
Who should not report
Do not use this reporting system if you are:
- an injured person (unless you are self-employed)
- a member of the public, or
- others who do not have duties under RIDDOR
Raising a concern with HSE
You can tell HSE about a work-related accident or an ongoing risk to health and safety in the workplace if you are:
- a worker
- acting on behalf of an employee, or
- a member of the public
Tell us about a health and safety issue[7]
Reportable injuries
The following injuries are reportable under the RIDDOR Regulations when they result from a work-related accident:
- the death of any person (regulation 6)
- specified injuries to workers[8] (regulation 4)
- injuries to workers which result in them being incapacitated for more than 7 consecutive days[9] immediately following the day of the accident (Regulation 4)
- non-fatal injuries to people other than workers[10] (such as customers or volunteers) which result in them being taken directly to hospital for treatment, or specified injuries to non-workers which occur on hospital premises (regulation 5)
There is more information on specified injuries in our page on types of reportable incidents[11].
What a reportable accident is
Under RIDDOR, an accident is a type of incident which is separate, identifiable, unintended and causes physical injury.
This specifically includes acts of non-consensual violence to people at work.
Injuries themselves, for example 'feeling a sharp pain', are not accidents. There must be an identifiable external incident that causes the injury, for example a falling object striking someone.
Gradual, cumulative exposures to hazards, which eventually cause injury (such as repetitive lifting), are not classed as 'accidents' under RIDDOR.
There is more information on reportable incidents under RIDDOR[12].
What work related means
A work-related accident means an accident ‘arising out of or in connection with work'.
Deciding if an accident is reportable under RIDDOR does not depend on finding blame. The term ‘arising out of or in connection with work’ means an accident may still be reportable even if there had been no breach of health and safety law and no one was clearly to blame.
When deciding if a report needs to be made, think about the circumstances of the accident and the factors involved.
Examples might be:
- What work was going on at the time?
- What was the injured person doing?
- What were others doing?
- Where did the accident happen?
- Were factors such as structures, equipment or substances involved?
An accident taking place at work premises does not, in itself, mean that it is work related – the work activity itself must cause the accident.
An accident is work related if any of the following played a role:
- how the work was carried out, including how the work was organised, supervised or performed by an employer or any of their employees, or by a self-employed person
- any machinery, plant, substances or equipment used in connection with the workplace or work processes carried out there
- the condition of the workplace where the accident happened, including:
- the state of the structure or fabric of a building or outside area forming part of the workplace
- the state and design of floors, paving, stairs, lighting etc