RR569 - Analysis of ERRV trials data from ERRVA and Seacroft

For a number of years data have been collected by several parties recording the frequency, circumstances and prevailing conditions when ERRVs on the UKCS carried out trials with their rescue craft. Some data have been collected as part of independently witnessed validation trials whereas others, gathered as part of an industry initiative to improve standards, was recorded by the vessels' crew. In themselves the benefit of the individual records is somewhat limited but when combined with the results of other trials carried out in the same UKCS area it is possible to define trends and similarities. By introducing wind and wave data from hindcast surveys and comparing this with the season and trial location it is possible to determine the severity of conditions at the time of trial compared to the average to be expected. These factors were investigated in detail during the course of the study and results obtained for a range of activities; trials with rescue craft or mechanical recovery devices, single or multiple survivor recovery, and recovery at different ranges from the ERRV. Continued data collection and analysis in the future may be used to demonstrate enhanced capabilities of both crew and equipment.

This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.

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Updated 2021-04-21