RR094 - Technical performance measures for North Sea jacket structures

Describes the methodology that has been developed to enable a first point assessment of North Sea steel jacket structures to be made. This de-emphasises the quantitive structural reliability predictions that are currently employed in the North Sea safety case regime and employs a more qualitative approach to assessing the structural reliability of individual installations, taking into consideration the age of the structure, structural configuration and functionality to generate a relative risk index. This index is semi-quantitative and provides an indication of the structure's performance in relation to other steel jacket fixed installations. The measure of vulnerability is based upon the load capacity of the undamaged structure and that when the structure's most critical bracing member is severed. The measure of a platform's consequence of failure is based upon a semi-quantitative approach that considers the nature of the field and the platform's functionality. Benefit is taken from a bridge-linked complex.

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Updated 2023-11-21