RR69 - Evaluation of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 and the approved code of practice and guidance

Aimed to establish the relevance of first aid in industry today and how this may affect the scope and direction of future regulation of first aid provision in the workplace. A questionnaire survey to representative employers and others with a direct interest in first aid provision in the workplace was used to obtain basic information regarding employers awareness, level of application and other views regarding the regulations. Interviews were conducted with selected employers and others to obtain detailed views and opinions. Found that although first aid awareness and penetration in workplaces was good, compliance was found to be more "in spirit" rather than the letter of the regulations and this exposed some important deficiencies in the format and content of guidance and in the proportionality of the current regulatory requirements for lower risk employees. Recommendations are made regarding the development of the regulations and associated guidance and on the frequency and length of first aid training.

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Updated 2021-04-15