RR42 - Evaluating the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Executive's Health and Safety Climate Tool

The climate safety tool (CST) is a computer based product that enables organisations to customise and print a climate survey questionnaire for use within their organisation. The software also enables organisations to analyse the results of the CST and produce graphical summaries and reports. Analyses evidence from a number of users of the CST to determine its effectiveness and actions resulting from its use. This was achieved by an analysis of closed question responses to a brief telephone interview with 213 users; in depth interviews with 25 users to gain a better understanding of how the CST had been used, and what organisations had done as a result; 3 case studies to provide detailed information on how the CST could be used to improve health and safety and improve risk control. The overall conclusion is that the HSE Climate Survey Tool has helped to identify actions that could improve an organisations health and safety culture and climate.

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Updated 2021-04-15