RR41 - Analysis of impact of proposed changes to separation distances for Mode A registered premises holding HT4 fireworks

Under proposed new legislation it is intended that Mode a registered premises holding between 200-250kg net of shop good (HT4) fireworks will have to maintain a 5 metre separation distance to third party buildings and 2.5 metres to footpaths and roads. In order to investigate the extent of any problems for existing premises in complying with this requirement, a sample of Mode A premises storing HT4 fireworks was selected from across 39 local authorities. This sample was deliberately focused towards the type of premises expected to hold between 200-250 kg of fireworks and to distributers rather than shops or supermarkets. The premises owners were contacted by telephone to obtain information on fireworks storage and separation distances. For the 102 premises for which information could be obtained, 23 were found to hold below 200 kg of fireworks and do therefore not need a separation distance. Of the remaining 79 premises, 76% had existing separation greater than required; 10% could comply with the separation distance after moving their existing store or reducing inventories; and 14% (11 sites) had a problem with compliance that the owners felt could not be satisfactorily resolved. This data indicates that some registered premises will have a problem with the proposed separation distances that the owners consider will adversely affect their operations. This is only a relatively small proportion of a sample deliberately biased towards the type of premises expected to have separation distance problems. The significance of this regulatory impact in the context of the proposed legislation therefore needs to be carefully evaluated.

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Updated 2021-04-15