RR39 - The cost effective use of fibre reinforced composites offshore

Intended for use as an information source for engineers involved in the use of composites offshore. Includes a detailed summary of current offshore composite applications, followed by a review of the 43 projects conducted during the programme which spanned 13 years and four phases of research considering the performance issues. The most significant advances have been in the areas of pipework and fluid handling, driven by their light weight and corrosion resistance compared to metals. Until recently, interest focussed on the use of glass fibre-based composites and on the topsides of offshore platforms. The prospect of deepwater production is generating a new impetus for high performance composites for demanding subsea applications. The probable scale of some new subsea developments, such as rigid risers and tethers is likely to result in greatly increased demand for carbon based composites as well as for manufacturing facilities to process them. Composite down-hole tubing is also beginning to find applications subsea and in well intervention.

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Updated 2021-04-15