UK registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH)
Popular guidance
UK REACH explained[1]
Aims, duties, scope and exemptions
EU REACH registrations under UK REACH[2]
Grandfathering registrations
Guidance for new registrants[3]
Submitting a new substance registration for the first time
UK REACH substances of very high concern (SVHCs)[4]
What SVHCs are, the candidate list, supplier responsibilities
Submitting dossiers and information[5]
Using the Comply with UK REACH service
Roles and responsibilities[6]
Your duties as a business
Notify status: GB-based downstream user/distributor under EU REACH[7]
Downstream User Import Notification (DUIN)
Regulatory management option analysis (RMOA) [8]
Technical dossier that provides an assessment of potential health and environmental risks
Minimisation of animal testing[9]
How UK REACH registrants can minimise animal testing
New registrants, exemptions, Northern Ireland, grandfathering
Overview, approach and Rolling Action Plan
SVHCs, applying, authorisations list, downstream users
Restrictions list and Registry of restriction intentions
UK REACH basics[14]
Dossiers, fees, responsibilities and more
Reports and plans[15]
Article 54 and Work Programme
- Glossary [17]
- EU REACH links [19]
- Fees and charges [20]
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