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Manual handling solutions in woodworking

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In woodworking, manual handling causes many work-related injuries, from strains and sprains to lacerations and fractures. Most injuries arise from stresses and strains over a period of time rather than from a single event. Some result in permanent disablement.

This leaflet explains to employers and others who have control of manual handling activities how risks can be managed, controlled and reduced. It will also be useful to employees and their representatives.

It has specific advice about carrying out risk assessments. It lists some of the common manual handling problems in the woodworking industry, as well as potential solutions. This revision contains minor updates and links to new reference material but the guidance is mainly unchanged.

It has specific advice about carrying out risk assessments, as well as manual handling solutions.

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  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - INDG318
  4. Safe use of woodworking machinery
  5. Manual handling at work: A brief guide
  6. Ergonomics and human factors at work: A brief guide
  7. Safe stacking of sawn timber and board materials
  8. Woodworking
  9. Musculoskeletal disorders
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Updated: 2021-03-22