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Preventing contact dermatitis and urticaria at work

Date of publication:
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Download a free copy - INDG233 (PDF) [3]

This guidance is about preventing work related dermatitis and urticaria for employers and employee representatives. The leaflet explains what the law requires, and which jobs present most risk. It describes signs/symptoms of contact dermatitis and contact urticaria and tells you what you can do to prevent them.

The guidance has been simplified and streamlined in this revision.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - INDG233
  4. Skin checks for dermatitis
  5. Keep your top on
  6. Managing skin exposure risks at work
  7. Skin at work
  8. COSHH
  9. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  10. Translated leaflets
  11. Legislation
  12. Statistics
  13. Science and Research
  14. Subscribe - news and updates

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

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Updated: 2023-10-30