First aid at work: Guidance on regulations

This guidance is for employers. It sets out what you need to do to address first-aid provision in the workplace.

2013 (as amended 2018 and 2024)
Series code:
L74 (Third edition)

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This document provides guidance on:

  • managing the provision of first aid (first-aid kit, equipment, rooms etc)
  • requirements and training for first-aiders
  • requirements for appointed persons
  • making employees aware of first-aid arrangements
  • first aid and the self-employed
  • cases where first-aid regulations do not apply

The third edition was reissued with minor amendments in 2018 to:

  • further clarify the significance of the 2013 amendment to regulation 3(2), which ended HSE's approval of first-aid training providers
  • update guidance on the use of automated external defibrillators, and blended learning in first-aid training
  • incorporate some additional amendments to take account of other previous legislative changes

The third edition has been further updated with minor amendments in 2024 to:

  • emphasise employers’ responsibilities to take account of employees’ mental health in their first-aid needs assessment
  • change the term ‘catastrophic bleeding’ to ‘life-threatening bleeding’ with more guidance on what employers should do if they identify this as a risk in their workplace
  • simplify guidance on how to decide what first aid to provide

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. First aid at work: Guidance on regulations
  4. Order this product from HSE Books L74
  5. First aid at work
  6. First aid at work: Your questions answered
  7. Basic advice on first aid at work
  8. Selecting a first-aid training provider
  9. Accident book

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Updated: 2024-02-06