Other publications
- Health and safety law poster [3]
- Accident book [4]
- Circular sawing machines (Poster) [5]
- Control of legionella bacteria in water systems: Audit checklists [6]
- The safety of free steered vehicle operations below ground in British coal mines [7]
- Guidance and information on escape from mines [8]
- Guidance on the design and construction of safety critical electrical systems at mines [9]
- Guidance on the design, installation and use of free standing support systems (including powered supports) in coal mines [10]
- Safe use of belt conveyors in mines [11]
- The large-scale contained use of biological agents [12]
- Working safely with research animals: Management of infection risks [13]
- The guide to safe use of power-operated paper-cutting guillotines [14]
- Multi-skilling in the petroleum industry [15]
- Safe working and the prevention of infection in clinical laboratories and similar facilities [16]
- VDU workstation checklist [17]
- Management of occupational health risks in the offshore oil and gas industry [18]
- An interim evaluation of the Offshore Installation (Safety Case) Regulations 1992 [19]
- EH40: Workplace Exposure Limits: Containing the list of workplace exposure limits for use with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (as amended) [20]
- Risks from handling explosives in ports [21]
- MDHS100: Surveying, sampling and assessment of asbestos-containing materials [22]
- CS21: Storage and handling of organic peroxides [23]
- EH66: Grain dust [24]
- EH70: Control of fire-water run-off from CIMAH sites to prevent environmental damage [25]
- EH75-2: Occupational exposure limits for hyperbaric conditions Hazard assessment document [26]
- EH75-4: Respirable crystalline silica [27]
- EH75-5: Respirable crystalline silica [28]
- MS24: Medical aspects of occupational skin disease [29]
- PM29: Electrical risks from steam/water pressure cleaners [30]
- PM56: Noise from pneumatic systems [31]
- PM65: Worker protection at crocodile (alligator) shears [32]
- PM66: Scrap baling machines [33]