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Cattle and public access in Scotland

Advice for farmers, landowners and other livestock keepers

Date of publication:
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Download a free copy - AIS17S (PDF) [3]

This information sheet provides advice about the hazards associated with keeping cattle, including bulls (uncastrated bovine animals of 10 months or over), in fields where the public has access in Scotland (a separate version is available for England and Wales[4]).

It suggests reasonably practicable ways of controlling hazards for walkers.

Land managers should also consider risks to other rights of way users such as horse riders and cyclists.

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  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - AIS17S
  4. England and Wales
  5. Cattle and public access in England and Wales
  6. Handling and housing cattle
  7. Farmwise
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Updated: 2024-10-28