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Equipment used in connection with medical exposure

Date of publication:
Series code:
PM77 (Third edition)

Download a free copy - PM77 (PDF) [3]

This guidance is for employers who have control of equipment used in connection with medical exposure to ionising radiation.

This includes many NHS employers and private healthcare providers, medical x-ray services in industry, dentists, physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors etc. It may also include companies involved in providing facilities under Private Finance Initiative Schemes (PFI). The guidance will be useful to radiation protection advisers (RPAs) who have been consulted by such employers.

This guidance includes advice on:

  • selecting, installing, maintaining, calibrating and replacing equipment
  • criteria of acceptability for both new and older equipment
  • quality assurance programmes
  • investigation of incidents involving a malfunction or defect in radiation equipment which results in an exposure much greater than intended

Link URLs in this page

  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - PM77
  4. Work with ionising radiation: Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
  5. Working safely with ionising radiation: Guidelines for expectant or breastfeeding mothers
  6. Guidance for appointed doctors on the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999
  7. Radiation
  8. Health and social care services
  9. Appointed doctors

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Updated: 2024-08-14