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Occupational exposure limits for hyperbaric conditions Hazard assessment document

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Download a free copy - EH75-2 (PDF) [3]

Aimed at a technical audience. In Great Britain, substances which may cause harm to health are subject to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 1999. These Regulations require employers to prevent, or if this is not reasonably practical, adequately control employees' exposure to hazardous substances. Hazard assessment documents are produced to facilitate the development of HSE's regulatory position on a specific health related issue, which may relate to an individual hazardous substance or may involve consideration of more general issues related to chemicals and ill health. Contents: General information on exposure; Extrapolation of oels to take account of increased absolute pressure; Extrapolation of oels to take account of increased exposure duration; Overall summary and conclusions and further information including an Appendix which lists all trace volatile organic compounds detected in the atmosphere of a diving bell and habitat

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Updated: 2021-03-02