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Modifying an edge trimming machine

The problem

Edge trimming machine

In shoe manufacture, sole forming leaves excess material at the edges which must be removed by holding each shoe against a high-speed rotating blade.

Machines traditionally designed for this purpose consist of a cutting head located inside a five-sided metal box. Operators get at the blades through an open sixth side, with the off-cut flashings either falling to the floor or being removed by a dust extraction system at the rear. The open front of the machine gives little acoustic protection for the operators and A-weighted noise levels can exceed 90 dB. The main source is thought to be the central spindle rotating at high speeds, generating a high-frequency tone.

The solution

One company fitted a simple system to each of their edge trimming machines by lining the inside of the machine casing with a 50 mm thick foam slab. This absorption restricted the build-up of reverberant sound energy inside the machine.

Each machine was also fitted with a 'half-height' clear polycarbonate plastic screen at the front, hinged along the top edge to enable it to be lifted clear, giving full access to the space inside. During operation, the screen could be lowered to give partial cover at the front, leaving a gap for the operator to reach in with the shoe. The treatment has proved to be a good compromise between screening direct sound radiation and maintaining efficient and safe operation.

The cost

About £50 per machine. (1995)

The result

A noise reduction of about 5 dB.


Photographs courtesy of Clarks International.

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  3. Worried about your hearing?
  4. Overview - Worried about your hearing?
  5. Audio demonstration
  6. Overview - Advice for employers
  7. Employers' responsibilities
  8. How do I assess the risks?
  9. Managing noise risks checklist
  10. Overview - How do I protect my workers?
  11. How do I control the risks from noise?
  12. Use the information from my risk assessment?
  13. Reduce noise?
  14. Choose quieter equipment and machinery?
  15. Hearing protection
  16. What do I need to tell my employees?
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  18. Health surveillance
  19. Advice for manufacturers
  20. Noise calculators
  21. Key messages
  22. Overview - Industry good practice
  23. Overview - Managing noise risks
  24. Over-protection
  25. Accounting for 'real-world' factors
  26. Advice on issuing hearing protection
  27. Workplace design
  28. Plastic products
  29. Overview - Wood working
  30. Saw milling
  31. Air turbulence
  32. Planing and moulding
  33. Overview - Concrete and cement
  34. General information
  35. Avoiding impacts
  36. Music and entertainment
  37. Overview - Case studies
  38. Full index
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  41. Publications
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  44. Overview - Policy statements
  45. Acoustic shock
  46. Noise calculators
  47. Noise: Don't lose your hearing
  48. Noise at work: A brief guide to controlling the risks
  49. Hearing loss - what's it like?

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Updated 2010-04-02