Maintenance - gas pipework

The requirement for landlords to provide domestic gas maintenance is distinct from the requirement for keeping gas safety records.

For more information see Regulation (36)(2) of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998

You must ensure that pipework is maintained in a safe condition. This will normally involve a programme of regular inspections, and any necessary repairs.

Which pipework is covered?

All installation pipework - that runs from the meter to the appliance - should be included in the maintenance check.

Maintenance from the meter to the service pipework (external to the property) is not the responsibility of the landlord but the pipeline operator (usually TRANSCO).

Access to the property

The contract you make with your tenant should allow you access for any maintenance or safety check work that needs to be done. You must not use force to enter the property.

A landlord has to show that they took all reasonable steps to comply with the law. HSE recommends the following best practice in these circumstances and strongly advises that a record be kept of all correspondence with the tenants:

  • leave the tenant a notice stating that an attempt was made to complete the gas safety check and provide your contact details;
  • write to the tenant explaining that a safety check is a legal requirement and that it is for the tenants own safety. Give the tenant the opportunity to arrange their own appointment;
  • HSE inspectors will look for repeated attempts to complete the gas safety check, including the above suggestions; however the approach will need to be appropriate to each circumstance. It would ultimately be for a court to decide if the action taken was reasonable depending upon the individual circumstances.

How often should the pipework be checked?

Installation pipework is not covered by the annual gas safety check. But we recommend that when you request a safety check, you ask your Gas Safe registered engineer to:

  • test for soundness on the whole gas system, including installation pipework
  • visually examine the pipework (as far as is reasonably practicable)

You should also ask your Gas Safe registered engineer to examine the installation pipework if there is any damage, for example if the tenant reports a suspected gas leak.

When tenants vacate your premises, it is good practice to ask your engineer to inspect and test the pipework.

Who can do the maintenance?

All maintenance checks and repairs must be done by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

What records do I need to keep?

There are no formal requirements for you to keep maintenance records. But you will need to be able to show that you have regularly maintained the pipework and completed required repairs. You do not have to provide records for tenants.

Who is responsible for repairs?

Landlords are responsible for repairs required as a result of general wear and tear.

Who pays for repairs as a result of tenant damage?

Your tenancy agreement should make it clear who is responsible for repairs if a tenant causes damage to pipework.

Nominate the work of your Gas Safe Engineer for inspection

Further information

Landlords and gas safety FAQs

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